So why do you like her?

Honestly? I just think she’s neat :3

I first read homestuck when I was 11, it was during the gigapause and I was very into warrior cats at the time. I liked Nepeta simply because she was like a cat, but I also liked Gamzee because he was purple (my favourite colour). When he murdered her I was very conflicted :c

As I kept up with the comic, I never grew super attached to any of the characters, so when I wanted to change my minecraft skin and social media profiles, I just chose Nepeta. And as the years wore on she became my Thing. When I make a silly comic to send to my brother, he can tell if it’s about minecraft if I draw the horns :p (Mouse if you’re reading this, hi :3)

I honestly like how she’s kinda a one note character because I can put in as many headcanons as I want and it doesn’t break the core of her character. She’s short, she’s tall, she’s aroace, she’s lesbian, she’s nice, she’s scathing, she’s my everything.

She's my silly rabbit

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